1) 国際スケート連盟 ISU組織規程・一般規程 (\2,000)
2) 日本スケート連盟 スピードスケート規則集 (\2,000)
3) 国際スケート連盟 シングル&ペアスケーティング アイス・ダンス 特別・技術規程 (\2,500)
4) スケート教本 (\1,000)
2 : シザンサス(三重県):2009/03/24(火) 16:15:40.35 ID:TjQNmo6Q
5 : 雪割草ユキワリソウ(千葉県):2009/03/24(火) 16:16:10.09 ID:IJS7q+V+
8 : ハチジョウキブシ(茨城県):2009/03/24(火) 16:16:35.62 ID:+R9R66Gy
10 : ケブカツルカコソウ(アラバマ州):2009/03/24(火) 16:16:39.69 ID:SW6dIQ+F
11 : アグロステンマ(東日本):2009/03/24(火) 16:16:43.87 ID:phuM6eJH
18 : ミミナグサ(静岡県):2009/03/24(火) 16:17:05.44 ID:yykMaVLl
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20 : エビネ(大阪府):2009/03/24(火) 16:17:20.51 ID:TRkPWKYt
21 : キンギョソウ(catv?):2009/03/24(火) 16:17:27.75 ID:8gYGmxZ2
22 : ナニワズ(catv?):2009/03/24(火) 16:17:30.12 ID:FE9Q+6ZV
24 : カキドオシ(東京都):2009/03/24(火) 16:17:36.39 ID:gEajacM8
27 : カンパニュラ・アーチェリー(福岡県):2009/03/24(火) 16:17:46.42 ID:h7ePQ7ww
30 : ナツグミ(catv?):2009/03/24(火) 16:17:56.96 ID:Sg+qniZe
33 : キブシ(コネチカット州):2009/03/24(火) 16:18:17.96 ID:/0zjqyHQ
34 : コバノランタナ(アラバマ州):2009/03/24(火) 16:18:21.52 ID:qOgOFnwT
36 : ジョウシュウアズマギク(埼玉県):2009/03/24(火) 16:18:23.89 ID:RhEHCdHz
37 : サトザクラ(新潟県):2009/03/24(火) 16:18:27.24 ID:Axzrmr1t
39 : カンガルーポー(関東・甲信越):2009/03/24(火) 16:18:40.86 ID:kEGhoePn
40 : クサノオウ(宮崎県):2009/03/24(火) 16:18:42.96 ID:xRKlLr/P
41 : パキスタキス(コネチカット州):2009/03/24(火) 16:18:47.10 ID:FkvL3Tf9
43 : ヒサカキ(京都府):2009/03/24(火) 16:18:48.80 ID:WXLDUOef
44 : ハボタン(愛知県):2009/03/24(火) 16:18:52.43 ID:c7rPWv6D
47 : アメリカヤマボウシ(アラバマ州):2009/03/24(火) 16:18:55.51 ID:jyf+y1yz
48 : ナズナ(長崎県):2009/03/24(火) 16:18:56.37 ID:XP+NrPpx
49 : ショウジョウバカマ(長屋):2009/03/24(火) 16:18:57.18 ID:vteyyBTh
50 : オーブリ・エチア(catv?):2009/03/24(火) 16:18:57.64 ID:kuJ+tc/a
53 : ノゲシ(福岡県):2009/03/24(火) 16:19:01.60 ID:f3uxr72/
56 : オオバクロモジ(東京都):2009/03/24(火) 16:19:09.69 ID:fxzdShjo
62 : クワガタソウ(東京都):2009/03/24(火) 16:19:18.50 ID:/z6C85mW
63 : ヤグルマギク(北海道):2009/03/24(火) 16:19:21.12 ID:0BzP9PQ7
65 : スィートアリッサム(福岡県):2009/03/24(火) 16:19:27.08 ID:yAGYD/PE
66 : ジャーマンアイリス(長屋):2009/03/24(火) 16:19:28.07 ID:1B2EbZId
68 : エビネ(catv?):2009/03/24(火) 16:19:30.24 ID:A2l2Z8Td
71 : 雪割草(アラバマ州):2009/03/24(火) 16:19:34.47 ID:omjnbdov
73 : プリムラ・ラウレンチアナ(高知県):2009/03/24(火) 16:19:38.09 ID:uOrCLfN/
> 韓国が今度大会で正面対決したチームは台湾、中国、ベネズエラ、
> メキシコ、日本だけだ。日本はもっと酷い。日本は今度の大会で韓国をはじめ、
> 中国、キューバ、アメリカとだけ試合を行い、大会優勝を収めた。
74 : ムラサキナズナ(東京都):2009/03/24(火) 16:19:40.42 ID:hbOS/uA9
77 : ◆65537KeAAA :2009/03/24(火) 16:19:42.40 ID:vkvIgo1n
78 : ダイセノダマキ(中国地方):2009/03/24(火) 16:19:44.37 ID:s9oSv6jc
83 : ダイアンサス ピンディコラ(catv?):2009/03/24(火) 16:19:56.15 ID:YAwVPRNk
88 : サトザクラ(アラビア):2009/03/24(火) 16:20:11.86 ID:eYqYCYI1
89 : オオバコ(北海道):2009/03/24(火) 16:20:13.54 ID:DPn4XwRY
90 : 節分草(catv?):2009/03/24(火) 16:20:14.81 ID:9L9HgUby
96 : キンカチャ(京都府):2009/03/24(火) 16:20:27.10 ID:PUXGZUy7
98 : サポナリア(長野県):2009/03/24(火) 16:20:30.73 ID:52OQhxOF
ペレ(Pelé)こと、エジソン・アランチス・ドゥ・ナシメント(Edison Arantes do Nascimento, 1940年10月23日 - )は、ブラジルの元サッカー選手。アフリカ系ブラジル人。
サッカーブラジル代表のエースとして3度のFIFAワールドカップ優勝。15歳でデビューしてから1977年に引退するまで、実働22年間で通算1363試合に出場し1281得点を記録した[1]その実績から、「サッカーの王様」(英語: The King of football、ポルトガル語: O Rei do Futebol)[1]あるいは「20世紀最高のサッカー選手」と評され、多くのサッカー選手、サッカーファンから「サッカー史上最高の選手の一人」と見做されている選手である[2][3][4][5][6][7][8]。
[編集] 生い立ち
父親のジョアン・ラモス・ド・ナシメント(通称ドンジーニョ、en:Dondinho)はサッカー選手でポジションはセンターフォワードを務めていた[10]。180cm以上ある長身を生かし1試合にヘディングだけで5得点を決めた事もあるヘディングの名手であり[10][11]、ミナスジェライス州の州都ベロオリゾンテを本拠地とする強豪クラブのアトレチコ・ミネイロに所属していたこともあった[12]が膝を痛めて退団[12]。その後は小規模なクラブに所属し低い給与でプレーするなどサッカー選手としての成功とは無縁の人生だった[10][注 1]。
「ペレ」の愛称はペレの父親の所属していたサッカークラブ、ヴァスコ・デ・サンロレンソのGKの「ビレ」(Bilé)のファンであったことに由来している[20]。当時のペレは幼かったことや、ミナス・ジェライス訛りもあって「B」の発音が出来ず「P」と発音していた。いつしかクラスメイトから自身も「Pelé」と呼ばれるようになったが、本人は少年時代はこの呼び名を好んでおらず、「エドソン」と呼ばれる事を望んでいた。そのため、時にはペレと呼んだ友人を殴り2日間の停学処分を受けた事もあった[20]。 またペレの愛称が定着するまでは父親の愛称である「ドンジーニョの息子」[21]、家族からは「ジッコ」と呼ばれていた[11][22][23]。
1950年、ペレが9歳の時に地元ブラジルで1950 FIFAワールドカップが開催された。優勝候補の本命と目されていた[24]同国は1次リーグのスイス戦を引き分けた以外は無敗で勝ち上がり、最終戦のウルグアイ戦を迎えていたが、最終戦を前にブラジルはウルグアイに対し勝点でも得失点差でも上回っており、この試合で引分けに終わっても優勝が決まる状況だった。同年7月16日のウルグアイ戦当日はペレの家にブラジルの勝利を祝おうと父の友人達が大勢訪れパーティを開きラジオの実況に聞き入っていたが、幼かったペレは大人と一緒にラジオの実況に聞き入るより外で友人達とサッカーをして遊ぶことに夢中になっていた[24]。そしてブラジルが終了間際に失点し1-2で敗れ優勝を逃すと(マラカナンの悲劇)家中が深い悲しみに包まれ、パウルの街全体も静まりかえった[24]。ペレはこの光景にショックを受けたものの、悲しみにくれる父を励まそうと
— ペレ[24]
10代になると、バウル市の内外の複数のクラブを渡り歩き、2から3チームを掛け持ちしてプレーをするほどだったが、学業の方は疎かになり、母の意向に反して落第生になっていた。1954年に地元のバウルACが下部組織(通称バキーニョ)を創設することに伴い、同チームに入団。そこで父の古くからの友人であり元ブラジル代表選手のヴァウデマール・デ・ブリト (en:Waldemar de Brito) に出会い指導を受けることになった。ヴァウデマールはペレの才能に着目し、体のあらゆる部位を使ったボールコントロールの重要性、試合の流れを読むコツ、ボールのない所(オフ・ザ・ボール)での動きなどを厳しく教え[25]、選手として成長する上で父と同様に影響を与える事になった[26]。ヴァウデマールは他のクラブの指導をすることになりバキーニョを去っていったが、その後も連絡を取り合い15歳の時に両親を説得してサントスFCへの入団を取り持った[27]。
[編集] クラブ経歴
[編集] サントスFC
[編集] プロデビュー
1958年には同じくFWを務めていたエマヌエレ・デル・ヴェッキオ (en:Emanuele Del Vecchio) が欧州のクラブに移籍したことでポジションを不動のものとし、サンパウロ州選手権では38試合に出場し58得点を決め2年連続得点王を獲得すると共に優勝に貢献した。同年にはジト、ペペ、ジウマールらと共にブラジル代表としてワールドカップに出場し初優勝に貢献(後述)。ブラジル代表での活躍もあってクラブには世界中から親善試合のオファーが殺到し、定期的に世界ツアーを行うようになった。サントスFCは収容人数の少ないスタジアムしか保有していなかったことから、ブラジル国内の公式戦の他にも毎年のように世界中に遠征して親善試合を行い、必要な収入を確保しなければならなかった。ペレはそれらの全ての試合で奇跡を起こす事を期待されていた[31]が、1959年に行われた最初の欧州ツアーは6週間に22試合をこなす過密日程だった。
[編集] 国外からのオファー
1961年3月5日、マラカナン・スタジアムで行われたリオ・サンパウロ選手権のフルミネンセFC戦。自陣のペナルティエリア外でボールを受けると、そのままドリブルを開始し相手選手を次々に振り切りゴールキーパーを含めた6人抜きドリブルから得点を決めた[34][11]。サンパウロの『オ・エスポルチ』紙 (pt:O Esporte) から「マラカナンの歴史上最も美しいゴール」と賞賛され[34]、この得点を記念して同スタジアムには「ペレはこのマラカナン・スタジアムにおいて歴史上、最も美しい得点を決めた」と刻まれたプレートが設置された[34][11]。この時の得点は後に「ゴウ・ジ・プラッカ」(gol de placa、プレートのゴールの意)と呼ばれるようになり[34]、ペレのサッカー人生において最も美しいゴールの一つとされている[34]。
こうした活躍からヨーロッパの有力クラブの関心を集め、スペインのレアル・マドリードは会長を務めるサンティアゴ・ベルナベウが直接オファー[36]。1961年にイタリアに遠征した際にはインテルナツィオナーレ・ミラノから4000万クルゼイロ、ユヴェントス会長のウンベルト・アニエッリ (en:Umberto Agnelli) からは百万ドルから数千万ドルの移籍の申し入れがあった[37]。
ペレは他の多くの選手と同様にブラジル国内に留まってプレーを続けて、国内のリーグ戦で世界トップレベルの技術を磨いていた[43][注 2]。
[編集] 国際タイトルの獲得
インフィニティグランプリ優勝チーム「いぬじる」考案のオリジナル武器が8月25日(木)より、PlayStation® Storeにて無料で配信開始!
しろーさんデザイン「Cait.C.Kn」、しるしるさんデザイン「ディナ・シー」、そしてその2つの武器を合わせた「スプライトツインズ」を全て無料で、PlayStation® Storeにて8月25日(木)よりダウンロード開始!
#588 MCU 0 - 0 ASR
#587 MCU 1 - 0 ASR
#586 MCU 2 - 0 ASR
#585 MCU 2 - 0 ASR
#584 MCU 4 - 0 ASR
#583 MCU 2 - 0 ASR
#582 MCU 0 - 1 ASR
#581 MCU 2 - 0 ASR
#580 MCU 2 - 0 ASR
#579 MCU 1 - 1 ASR
#578 MCU 2 - 2 ASR
#577 MCU 0 - 1 ASR
#576 MCU 1 - 1 ASR
#575 MCU 2 - 1 ASR
#574 MCU 4 - 0 ASR
#573 MCU 1 - 0 ASR
#572 MCU 1 - 0 ASR
#571 MCU 1 - 2 ASR
#570 MCU 1 - 1 ASR
#569 MCU 1 - 2 ASR
#568 MCU 1 - 0 ASR
#567 MCU 3 - 0 ASR
#566 MCU 2 - 0 ASR
#565 MCU 0 - 0 ASR
#564 MCU 0 - 2 ASR
#563 MCU 1 - 1 ASR
#562 MCU 1 - 0 ASR
#561 MCU 2 - 0 ASR
#560 MCU 1 - 1 ASR
#559 MCU 2 - 2 ASR
#558 MCU 1 - 0 ASR
#557 MCU 1 - 1 ASR
#556 MCU 1 - 1 ASR
#555 MCU 1 - 2 ASR
#554 MCU 2 - 1 ASR
#553 MCU 2 - 2 ASR
#552 MCU 0 - 1 ASR
#551 MCU 1 - 1 ASR
#550 MCU 0 - 3 ASR
#549 MCU 3 - 3 ASR
#548 MCU 1 - 1 ASR
#547 MCU 0 - 1 ASR
#546 MCU 1 - 1 ASR
#545 MCU 0 - 2 ASR
#544 MCU 2 - 1 ASR
#543 MCU 1 - 1 ASR
#542 MCU 0 - 0 ASR
#541 MCU 2 - 1 ASR
#540 MCU 1 - 0 ASR
#539 MCU 1 - 2 ASR
#538 MCU 3 - 2 ASR
#537 MCU 3 - 1 ASR
#536 MCU 3 - 1 ASR
#535 MCU 1 - 0 ASR
#534 MCU 1 - 1 ASR
#533 MCU 2 - 0 ASR
#532 MCU 2 - 2 ASR
#531 MCU 3 - 1 ASR
#530 MCU 0 - 1 ASR
#529 MCU 2 - 2 ASR
#528 MCU 1 - 1 ASR
#527 MCU 2 - 0 ASR
#526 MCU 1 - 2 ASR
#525 MCU 0 - 2 ASR
#524 MCU 1 - 0 ASR
#523 MCU 0 - 0 ASR
#522 MCU 1 - 1 ASR
#521 MCU 1 - 0 ASR
#520 MCU 1 - 0 ASR
#519 MCU 1 - 0 ASR
#518 MCU 2 - 0 ASR
#517 MCU 0 - 1 ASR
#516 MCU 4 - 1 ASR
#515 MCU 1 - 0 ASR
#514 MCU 0 - 1 ASR
#513 MCU 1 - 0 ASR
#512 MCU 1 - 2 ASR
#511 MCU 1 - 0 ASR
#510 MCU 0 - 0 ASR
#509 MCU 1 - 0 ASR
#508 MCU 2 - 2 ASR
#507 MCU 0 - 0 ASR
#506 MCU 1 - 0 ASR
#505 MCU 1 - 0 ASR
#504 MCU 0 - 0 ASR
#503 MCU 0 - 1 ASR
#502 MCU 1 - 2 ASR
#501 MCU 1 - 2 ASR
#500 MCU 0 - 0 ASR
#499 MCU 0 - 0 ASR
#498 MCU 1 - 0 ASR
#497 MCU 1 - 0 ASR
#496 MCU 0 - 1 ASR
#495 MCU 1 - 3 ASR
#494 MCU 0 - 0 ASR
#493 MCU 1 - 1 ASR
#492 MCU 2 - 1 ASR
#491 MCU 0 - 0 ASR
#490 MCU 1 - 2 ASR
#489 MCU 0 - 1 ASR
#488 MCU 1 - 0 ASR
#487 MCU 0 - 0 ASR
#486 MCU 2 - 0 ASR
#485 MCU 0 - 1 ASR
#484 MCU 0 - 2 ASR
#483 MCU 0 - 0 ASR
#482 MCU 0 - 1 ASR
#481 MCU 0 - 1 ASR
#480 MCU 1 - 1 ASR
#479 MCU 2 - 1 ASR
#478 MCU 0 - 0 ASR
#477 MCU 1 - 1 ASR
#476 MCU 2 - 1 ASR
#475 MCU 1 - 0 ASR
#474 MCU 0 - 0 ASR
#473 MCU 1 - 0 ASR
#472 MCU 1 - 2 ASR
#471 MCU 2 - 0 ASR
#470 MCU 1 - 1 ASR
#469 MCU 1 - 1 ASR
#468 MCU 1 - 2 ASR
#467 MCU 0 - 0 ASR
#466 MCU 0 - 0 ASR
#465 BRA 1 - 1 ASR
#464 BRA 0 - 2 ASR
#463 BRA 0 - 4 ASR
#462 BRA 0 - 5 ASR
#461 BRA 1 - 2 ASR
★1巡目全体9位 OT:タイロン・スミス (南カリフォルニア大学)
★2巡目全体40位 LB:ブルース・カーター (ノースカロライナ大学)
★3巡目全体71位 RB:デマルコ・マレー (オクラホマ大学)
★4巡目全体110位 G:デイヴィッド・アーキン (ミズーリ州立大学)
★5巡目全体143位 CB:ジョシュ・トーマス (バッファロー大学)
★6巡目全体176位 WR:ドウェイン・ハリス (東カロライナ大学)
★7巡目全体220位 FB:ショーン・チャパス (ジョージア大学)
★7巡目全体252位 C:ビル・ナギー (ウィスコンシン大学)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
#77 OT:タイロン・スミス / Tyron Smith
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Fort Bend County Democratic Party
31 Aug
August 29, 2011
HOUSTON – With approval of Congress by the American public at a dismal 13 percent, representatives are buffering themselves from angry constituents. The August recess is normally town-hall-meeting season, but a recent survey found only 44 percent of U.S. House members are hosting public events, though they are taking place in Texas at a slightly higher rate.
To try to keep control of their meetings, some Congress members around the country are charging attendance fees, banning cameras, or asking police to remove demonstrators.
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SHERBERT ROCKED US ..not so gently
FIRSTLY...let me state from the off that when Sherbert was ruling the aussie charts, I was more interested in chasing their fans than chasing the band...sure they had some cracking tunes, but they were a chicks band...RIGHT...although I know of at least one male cousin of mine who had a copy of HOWZAT...and I, myself of recent time have grabbbed a couple of compiliations and the most recent DVD release, I got 'em for Deb ( and everyone out there in 3 part harmony goes SURE YOU DID)...SHERBERT LIVE..and the crowd went wild, and I will admit to digging the set thay did at the Countdown Spectacular, they sure didnt rock me gently that night...yeh yeh I know crap pun.....ANYWAY
Sherbet (or Highway or The Sherbs) are one of the most successful Australian rock bands of that came roaring out of the 70's. The 'classic line-up' of Daryl Braithwaite on vocals, Tony Mitchell on bass guitar, Garth Porter on keyboards, Alan Sandow on drums, and Clive Shakespeare on guitar provided some of the best pop songs ever heard in the aussie charts
In 1971, Sherbet entered Australia's prestigious national rock band contest, Hoadley's Battle of the Sounds, and won the New South Wales final but lost the national final to Adeliade-based band Fraternity (led by Bon Scott) They entered again in 1972 and won the national final,
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Ms Excel provides a variety of features and also tools to generate excel spreadsheets and also workbooks, but similar to application, it's got limitations. This is why Excel consumers look for various other programmers to generate modern options which make creating and also adjusting Excel workbooks less time-consuming plus more productive.
Information Business presentation Merchandise provides a collection of options with regard to producing Excel workbooks in a fraction of that time period it usually takes while creating Excel workbooks that are more appropriate in order to observing, printing, and also analysis. The 5 tools are known as EZ-Format, EZ-Chart, EZ-Pivot, EZ-Calc, and also EZ-Stat; together, they are offered in a product called Xcelerator. Basically, the products free consumers through the time-consuming areas of employing Excel's features, thus allowing them to make use of a greater portion of Excel's effective features throughout considerably less time.
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March Comes Early (on track for the 3rd warmest winter since 1872)
36 F. high in St. Cloud Friday.27 F. average high for February 17.
43 F. high a year ago, on February 17, 2011.
-11 F. coldest Twin Cities metro temperature this winter (MSP), tying for the 3rd warmest winter minimum in modern-day records.
3 subzero lows so far this winter. Average for KMSP is 28 nights below zero every winter.
7 subzero nights so far this winter at St. Cloud.
14 days at or above 40 since December 1 in St. Cloud.
+8.9 F. The first 16 days of February are running near 9 degrees warmer than average at St. Cloud.
10 hours, 30 minutes of daylight today.
104 minutes of additional daylight since December 21 in the Twin Cities.
.23" liquid predicted for the Twin Cities next Monday (NAM model). With temperature close to freezing I could see a mix of rain and snow ending as snow, a coating to an inch of slush possible Monday night on lawns and fields, while most main roads stay wet.
4X. According to Dr. Mark Seeley, midwinter rain and ice events have increased four-fold in the Twin Cities since 2000.
77 days of above average temperatures in the MSP metro area since November 1. Source: Dr. Mark Seeley. Details in his WeatherTalk blog below.
"Viewers tracking storms on television will perhaps most embrace the intelligence from the dual polarity that indicates whether or not a tornado has actually touched down. The key, Baron said, is that the dual polarity can identify the size of objects in the air - from large raindrops to small ones to even snow. And a common trait of a tornado on the ground is the debris it picks up. If there is a cluster of debris, that's a strong indicator of a touchdown." - from an article on dual polarization Doppler radar and Baron Services, a pioneer in radar technology, in a blog post at al.com below.
171 "Nexrad" (next-generation) National Weather Service Doppler radar systems across the USA, providing nearly continuous radar coverage from coast to coast. Map source: NOAA.
"Three states (Louisiana, Texas and South Dakota) have passed so-called Environmental Literacy Improvement Act bills — written by energy industry shills — that require schools to teach climate change "denial" along with conventional climate science. Other states are considering such measures." - from an article at salon.com below. Photo credit here.
"Research has shown that people are motivated to find information that supports their beliefs. "Encountering counterarguments causes us to marshal forces like an army of white blood cells to defend against them."
"Gallup and Pew polls show that the percentage of Americans that believe in climate change now hovers around 50 percent, but Krosnick's latest poll -- which asked the question in a more detailed way -- suggests the figure is 83 percent -- up from 79 percent in 1997. Of the global warming believers, the majority also reported thinking that the burning of fossil fuels and other human activities play a role. The trend held after the researchers broke the data down by political party: 66 percent of Republicans said climate change is happening." - from a Huffington Post article below.
20 cents/mile. Average cost of driving in a traditional, combustion-engine vehicle.2 cents/mile. Average cost of driving an EV, or electric vehicle. Source: Dept. of Energy, Tesla Corporation. Photo of Tesla Model S above courtesy of Wikipedia.
1.6 million elevators and escalators maintained by Otis Elevator Corporation, worldwide. A new generation of Otis elevators actually generates electricity, power that can go back into the building to keep the lights on. Source: Bloomberg Radio."The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor RooseveltDry Ponds And Green Grass In Eden Prairie. Thanks to WeatherNation meteorologist Susie Martin for sharing these photos of dry ponds and wetlands (and a lawn that's trying to green up - about 40 days ahead of schedule). I worry what will happen if we do see a spell of teens and 20s the end of February.
Above Average Temperatures Through Most Of Next Week. A cool Saturday (close to average for mid February) gives way to upper 30s Sunday and Monday, followed by a slow cooling trend the latter half of next week. Nothing arctic - but by the end of next week it may actually start to feel like February again.
* storm tracks and timing above courtesy of NOAA NCEP.
Latest Snowfall Prediction. The NAM is still printing out some 8-16" snowfall amounts for southeastern Kentucky and West Virginia, a plowable accumulation into central Virginia, with 1-3" possible for Washington D.C., a coating to 1" for Philly and south Jersey. Monday's (weak) storm over the Upper Midwest may drop a couple inches of slush on the Red River Valley, little snow expected in the Twin Cities metro area.
As Good As It Gets. A (warm), slow-moving and weakening area of low pressure may squeeze out a quick inch of slush Monday night, a better chance of a couple inches of snow over far western Minnesota. Models are hinting at another inch or so of snow next Thursday as temperatures begin to fall. Nothing but (meager) clippers. Yes, we are most definitely in a snow recession.
how break-even analysis is used
Hrm Functions | NY Essay
By admin on February 16, 2012
Internet research
By inserting different prices into the formula, you will obtain a number of break even points, one for each possible price charged. If the firm changes the selling price for its product, from $2 to $2.30, in the example above, then it would have to sell only (1000/(2.3 – 0.6))= 589 units to break even, rather than 714.
To make the results clearer, they can be graphed.
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Steven Spielberg Directing New 'Ten Commandments'? | CCMRewind
Warner Brothers is behind the new movie, tentatively titled "Gods and Kings" that will focus more on the life of Moses than the actual reception of the commandments. One insider told Deadline.com, "It's a movie like a Braveheart-ish version of the Moses story: him coming down the river, being adopted, leaving his home, forming an army, and getting the Ten Commandments."
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Turkish Christians Subject to Discrimination, Attacks, Report Says
Despite some promising developments, Christians in Turkey continue to suffer attacks from private citizens, discrimination by lower-level government officials and vilification in both school textbooks and news media, according to a study by a Protestant group.
In its annual "Report on Human Rights Violations," released in January, the country's Association of Protestant Churches notes mixed indicators of improvement but states that there is a "root of intolerance" in Turkish society toward adherents of non-Islamic faiths.
"The removal of this root of intolerance is an urgent problem that still awaits to be dealt with," the report states.
"There is still a lot of room for improvement," said Mine Yildirim, a member of the legal committee for the association. "These problems have not been solved in some time."
The report documented 12 attacks against Christians in 2011, including incidents in which individuals were beaten in Istanbul for sharing their faith, church members were threatened and church buildings attacked. None of the attackers have been charged. In some of the attacks, the victims declined to bring charges against the assailants.
In some places in Turkey, some church leaders have to "live under some sort of police protection," the report reads.
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Without using expert support, from these options, you can don't do on cyberspace enterprise and may need to relegate by you to ultimately the previous occasion ad campaigns and even direct income. You really need to not only area your website working on the eyes of an individual's customer, seo specialists but one should compel them to select your link. To be to the the web visitors and to stay the eyes belonging to the visitors they're going for optimization regarding company website or website. But it does take a lot of your energy to do thus. With value to newsletters, they are an exceptionally powerful technique to develop your website at the same time.
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Sanctions in Gallop 9/11 lawsuit send a message: seek justice at your own risk
by Craig McKee
published on his thruthandshadow.wordpress.com
no copyright stated
re-published here under the term of "Fair Use"
The message is loud and clear. Go after justice for 9/11 in the courts, and not only will you lose, youll be punished.
Thats what April Gallop and her lawyer, William Veale, found out as their lawsuit against former vice-president Dick Cheney, former secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld, and former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Richard Myers concluded with a final slap in the face. This came in the form of a $15,000 fine levied against Veale for filing a frivolous appeal (the appeal had already been turned down in April of last year).
The decision was handed down by a three-judge panel headed by Justice John M. Walker, who just happens to be George W. Bushs cousin proving that the American justice system has a twisted sense of humour at times.
In March 2010, a lower court threw the original case out, stating that it was based on cynical delusion and fantasy.
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Repo Men, Two Cheers for Capitalism, And My Hope For Conservatism
I have for some time now been dismayed as I watched a conservative movement I once respected, and considered myself a student and sometime sympathizer of, apparently become adrift in a haze of "free market" rhetoric that was more style than substance, more twitch than thought. I remember well one such "conservative" who went utterly ballistic on me not too long ago when I noted the rather unremarkable fact that in today's world, the fastest way into the economic elite is often through conniving, backstabbing, cheating, and even outright thievery. This was supposedly me "showing my hand" as a mediocre unsuccessful joe unhappy with his lot in life. The bumper-sticker-substitute-for-thought with this part of the conservative crowd seems always the same: if you're rich and you think the system is unjust and screwed up, it's because you "feel guilty for succeeding," whereas if you are not-rich and you think the system is unjust, it's because you suffer from "envy." Both of these cheap shots are substitutes for honest discussion, and alarmingly common. It had begun to appear as if you could not say the system was unjust and corrupt without being dismissed as either envious or a guilt-ridden elitist. Or at least stupid and uneducated. Anything other than you might have a valid point, anyway.
Having once been a longtime fan and subscriber to National Review (it was my favorite magazine for years, often educational even when I did not agree with it–I even once got a personal response from William F. Buckley Jr. to a letter, which I wish I hadn't lost) it was with some relief that I recently read this piece on National Review Online:
Repo Men by Kevin D. Williamson. While Williamson shoots copious pixels at the Obama administration and the Democratic leadership in Congress, if you read it all the way through you find that he is not particularly sparing of Republicans (although you really do have to read it all the way through to see that). And it's hard not to notice just what a bracing change from typical conservative "free market" boilerplate his opening paragraph is:
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The particular Top rated 5 Illustrator Alternatives for laptop or computer end users « Eco Babes
With regard to numerous, the actual Photoshop cs4 Creative Collection gives anything a single requirements with regard to photo enhancing and treatment; it's user friendly, very customizable and very versatile. Nonetheless, it really is extremely highly-priced. Some consumers could have even difficulties using its user interface or perhaps the overall match ups. No matter the factors, there are actually plenty of additional applications to contemplate which might be a safe, economical along with a very simple option in order to Illustrator. Several are usually open supply, that will conserve that you simply bundle. Here are the top five Illustrator options.
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Adobe Creative Cloud Includes CS6, Starts at $49.99 a Month » OnlySoftwareBlog
February 10th, 2012 by Rahul Leave a reply »For the first time, with the release of Creative Suite 5.5 Adobe introduced a subscription model that would enable people to subscribe to Adobe software rather than outright buy it. So a web developer needing only Dreamweaver could subscribe to just Dreamweaver for $29 a month, if subscribed for less than a year, or $19 a month for a full year subscription. The standard edition of Photoshop for example was priced at $35 a month for a year's subscription and $50 a month if subscribed on a monthly basis. For After Effects this was as high as $49 and $75 respectively.
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Stuff To Bear in mind When Searching For The Top 7Inch Slate Tablet
In the past 24 months, since Apple presented the iPad Tablet, our planet's initial slate tablet that sold in 10′s on millions units, a little something other companies only dreamed off; all of us have shown interest in Tablet PCs. Possibly the Android machines are presently the top purchased rival to the seemingly invincible iPad. There are several sizes nevertheless the most important types would be the 7Inch and 10 " Tablet PCs. In this article we're going to take a look at the best 7Inch PC Tablets, the most popular form factor that balances portability and performance, while staying priced right where clients want them.
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NFL Free Agents: Quarterbacks | WaitingForNextYear
League-wide free agency begins March 13th. The Browns have stated all along they prefer to build the team through the draft, but will take a look at the players available in free agency. Previously we looked at the receivers available. Then a glance at the linebackers. Yesterday, we stared longingly at offensive tackles. Up next, the signal callers.
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Detecting Common Internet Marketing Lies You're Being Told
Internet Marketing is one of the more popular businesses online these days. And for this reason alone, there are plenty of success stories within IM that will make pretty much everyone want to do business on the Internet. The really sad thing, however, is that IM has so many lies flying through it that they can be really hard to avoid. You'll see people lying in every single niche because they want you to buy the products they're trying to sell to you. It is all just a super confusing carousel that is hard to take advantage of. The more you get trapped in this web of lies, the more complicated things become. This article will go in depth into the different IM lies people will tell you and how to avoid falling for them.
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Smart Consumer Buys.com » How to Hang Kitchen Cabinets – Try it now!
The kitchen performs a prominent role in the lives of a family members. This can be because it truly is attractive and kept clean to prepare dishes of all sorts. Hence, it need to perform to its finest level and these points ought to be noted although creating the cabinet.
In order to effectively install the cabinets you should to begin with take out the measurement of the kitchen and determine how much of that portion you're going to allocate for the cabinet. For make it easier to may well approach manufacturers for their broachers and go via them and then determine upon your choicest cabinet.
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Party On! Valentine's No-Recipe Dinner
It's February, so that means another addition of my Party, On! series, in which I debunk excuses for NOT partying. Since Valentine's Day is right around the corner, I figured this was a good time to address the issue of 'It's too hard to cook for just two people.' To that I say, NU-UH! All you need to do is either adapt a recipe or cook without following a recipe. (GASP!)
There are a lot of recipes that can be reduced down to two servings. If a recipe says it serves 4, then prove math teachers everywhere right and use some real life division to cut the ingredient amounts in half. You will inevitably run into issues with this, though. For example, it's nearly impossible to measure 1/16 of a teaspoon of something. You can also get stuck with a lot of extra amounts of ingredients that you won't use up.
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Under the Cottonwood: Kilim Me
I'm always trying to explain to Troy my need to have a home that is modern yet warm. Troy is passionate about the classic mid-century modern designs and if he had it his way, we'd be living in a home made of steel, concrete, plastic and Eames. I love these designs too, but I grew up in a very eclectic home, in which my mother mixed beautiful Persian rugs and antiques with more modern pieces. That is why I love anything made from Kilim carpets.!doctype>2012年2月7日火曜日
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Looking For suunto mc-2g-Silva Ranger CL – Compass quick shipping
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Several Ways On How You Can Make Money With Adobe Photoshop
Are you a school student searching for a way to make some additional money? Are you finding a great past-time after office hours where you'll be capable of making some additional money? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you may want to become a Photoshop freelancer.
Therefore just what precisely is a Photoshop freelancer ?
Basically, a Photoshop freelancer is a person who uses Adobe Photoshop to make some extra cash. If you are already familiar with Adobe Photoshop, then you know that this is an image and photo editing software where you will be able to create new images and even edit photos to make it look like it was taken by a professional. There are quite a bit of cool effects you can add to footage and photographs.
Hence just how precisely are you able to make additional money as a Photoshop freelancer ?
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Homes By Vanderbuilt Gets Community Involved In Fundraiser For Local Charity
January 13, 2012 – 3:13 amHomes By Vanderbuilt , and their Facebook friends, present $2,500 to the Sanford Toys-For-Tots on December 20, 2011.
Sanford, NC (PRWEB) December 23, 2011
After getting more information in his local paper that the Toys-For-Tots in Sanford was in scarcely unfortunate need this legal holiday season, Homes By Vanderbuilt owners Tom Van de Reit and his family motionless that surrendering such a key charge in the face of a bad manage to buy was simply not acceptable. Tom, his family and the whole group at Homes By Vanderbuilt felt the urge to help – whilst at the same time getting others entangled as well.
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Divorce Has Unhealthy Impact on Younger Adults
Breaking up is hard to do, and couples who go through a divorce often find that the experience takes a toll on their health. A new study finds divorce has an unhealthy impact on younger adults, more so than it does on their older counterparts.
"Till death do us part" is a phrase some couples are not bothering to put into their wedding vows. While that may be a break from tradition, it also may be viewed as a reality check, given that about half the marriages in the United States end in divorce. Many other couples are choosing to skip the vows altogether and live together without getting married, which naturally has an impact on divorce rates since there are fewer marriages.
In a report entitled "Number, Timing, and Duration of Marriages and Divorces: 2009" from the US Census Bureau, it was reported that divorce rates for most age groups—but not all--have been declining since 1996.
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The philipines Home Spot light * Tulum Property Available « One more Internet site About Business
Real-estate inside Mexico gives a lot of excellent expense chances, not really minimum of people becoming Mexico property for sale. Nevertheless, there's a amount of chances that any serious trader and even more informal buyers should not forget about; one of these is Tulum home, plus more particularly, Tulum property for sale.
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California Supreme Court Limits Certain Manufacturers' Asbestos Liability in O'Neil, Describes Navy's Conduct Leading to Asbestos Injury for Service Members
« BP, the Gulf Coast Claims Fund, and MDL Plaintiffs' Lawyers | Main | Southwestern Law School Symposium on Transnational Litigation and Civil Procedure »
January 15, 2012
California Supreme Court Limits Certain Manufacturers' Asbestos Liability in O'Neil, Describes Navy's Conduct Leading to Asbestos Injury for Service Members
In O'Neil v. Crane Co., the California Supreme Court this past week rejected asbestos liability for manufacturers whose products are added by third parties to other products that contain asbestos. No. S177401, slip op. (Cal. Jan. 12, 2012) Download O'Neil v. Crane Co_Cal Supreme Court_2012. The plaintiffs had argued that the defendants should be held liable because of the foreseeability that their products would be combined with other asbestos-containing products to which plaintiff was exposed, but in its opinion the Court highlighted that the defendant's product did not require asbestos-containing products and in fact could have been with used in combination with non-asbestos-containing products. Id. at 1, 12.
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Three hundred and thirty-seven | threehundredsixtysixdays
I made it through Life at the Poverty Line!
Well, I almost made it. I have the rest of the day, but I'm on the home stretch. And thank gosh it is over! Am I allowed to say that? I am so grateful that I earn enough income (and live in Canada and have a wonderful support system) to allow me to live comfortably, in a safe environment, with fresh fruit and vegetables, healthy food and the occasional treat. It's been a tough month. A journey of discovery for me and what it means to be brought down by something that you can't control. It's been a time of evaluating my priorities, and a lot of time to myself to do this in.
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How you can lower the price of your car insurance premium
by Desmond Lefevre
Car insurance has been constantly going up at a worrying rate recently and added to the rising cost of petrol and tax it is making it increasingly difficult for a lot of people to keep running their cars. All the time more people are putting their car up for sale and turning to public transport, cycling or walking to get them to work because it is so much cheaper. The cost of running a car can be decreased by reducing the amount paid for insurance though and there are a number of ways to do this.
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Jazz – How Long, Paul Carrack, Ace – solo fingerstyle jazz guitar, Jake Reichbart
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Day 883 January 30, 1942
Libya. Rommel's improvised advance and audacious tactics have sent British 1st Armored Division out of the central desert withdrawing toward Gazala and driven Indian 4th Infantry Division from Benghazi. Panzer Army Afrika pauses to resupply at Benghazi and Mechili.Mediterranean. At 9.39 AM 6 miles West of the Greek island of Lefkada, British submarine HMS Thunderbolt attacks a convoy (German freighter Thessalia escorted by the Italian torpedo boats Solferino and Generale Carlo Montanari) with 3 torpedoes that all miss. Solferino drops 29 depth charges but HMS Thunderbolt escaped undamaged. At 2.10 PM, British submarine HMS Thorn sinks Italian submarine Medusa which is running on the surface near the Italian Naval base at Pola, Istria, in the far north of the Adriatic (57 killed, 1 survivor).
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Configuring and using an iPad with Office 365
Note: This post was co-authored with Julian Soh. Julian works for Microsoft as a business productivity solution sales professional. He current covers state and local government customers in the PacWest region.
Post updated 1/22/2012 to include the office365.com email address as mentioned by Loryan Strant in the comments.
With an iPad device running an operating system prior to 5.0.1 the user will experience issues when trying to utilize some of the features included in Office 365. These issues occurred because the Safari browser did not fully support HTML standards, including the contenteditable property. The lack of full HTML standards caused issues with many web applications including SharePoint Online, and in particular the ability to use the Office Web Apps feature to view and edit Office documents in the browser.
With iOS 5.0.1 we have some good news, Apple updated the Safari browser to support the contenteditable property! This means that you can now more fully take advantage of the features included in Office 365 with your iPad device. To ensure you have the best experience, first check to see if you are running version 5.0.1 or higher on your iPad device.
Checking the iOS version on the iPad
· Click on the iPad's "Settings" icon
· Select "General" and then then "About"
If you see that you are not running version 5.0.1 or higher, you will want to update the operating system on your iPad.
Updating to a newer version of iOS
Over the air or wifi update
· Under "Settings" and "General," check to see if you have the "Software Update" option. If not, go to the next section to find out how to use iTunes to update your iOS.
Using iTunes
· Install iTunes on your computer if you have not already done so.
· Connect the iPad to the computer via USB.
· iTunes should detect the iPad so that you can select the device in the iTunes menu. Select the iPad under "Devices" and then "Check for Updates."
After you have verified that you have at least iOS 5.0.1 installed on your device, you can begin configuring the iPad to work with Office 365. This next section will describe how to configure your iPad to use Exchange Online.
Exchange Online with the iPad
There are basically two ways to access your mail, calendar, and contact information on your iPad. Using Outlook Web App (OWA) HTTPS method, and/or ActiveSync.
Using Outlook Web App (OWA) – HTTPS method
· To use Outlook Web App (OWA) on the iPad, simply open the safari browser and connect to OWA via the URL http://mail.office365.com.
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What Is a Post-Christian?I had promised to say more about The Strange New Word of the Gospel, edited by Braaten and Jenson (Eerdmans, 2002). The second essay, by Robert Jenson, explores the nature of post-Christian belief and culture in the contemporary west, with a particular focus on America.
Jenson begins by commenting upon the prefix "post-" noting that it implies being defined in terms of what one no longer is as part of a community that is so defined. Thus, to be "post-Christian" is to be part of a community that was once Christian and whose present "habits of thought and policies of action are determined by that very fact." Jenson cites Chesterton's Father Brown who characterized the post-Christian society as one what has exhausted the project of modernity and is lost in the proliferation of superstition. In particular, Father Brown notes, "It's the first effect of not beliveing in God that you lose your common sense and can't see things as they are...and all because you are frightened of four words, 'He was made man'."
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Today is Martin Luther King Junior Day
By Isaac Butler
Longtime Parabasis readers probably know that my two favorite holidays are Thanksgiving and Martin Luther King Junior Day, the first because it enshrines gratitude as an important civic value and the second because we take a day to honor a man who stood for remaking our country in the image of our better angels rather than our lesser demons.
As you (hopefully) have the day off from work, why not take a few minutes and read King's "Letter From Birmingham Jail," one of greatest pieces of rhetoric in the English language, right up there with Mark Anthony's funeral oration in Julius Caesar:
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Celebrity Letterhead | clusterflock
January 30, 2012
Web Urbanist selected the letterhead of seventeen celebrities from a larger catalog at Letterheady. This is Leonard Cohen's. Make sure you compare it to Richard Simmons'.
(via @gary_hustwit)
posted by Deron Bauman in celebrity, design, writing | * | 6 comments
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Qualitative Research: Why You Need To Trust Your Recruitment Partner
Qualitative research is all about people. Understanding what makes them tick and using that understanding to generate actionable business strategy from deep human insights is what you do. It's a fascinating job, but we know that it's not always an easy one.
Qualitative respondent recruitment is an essential part of that process, and you need the recruitment to be right. The participants in your research are the 'raw materials' you will build your report upon, and if they are wrong in any way, like ingredients in a recipe, the cake won't rise or it just won't taste right…
Your experienced recruiter understands that, and realises how vital their role is in helping to ensure your precise needs are met and your client's research objectives fulfilled. They are the experts in bridging this gap, between the skills of your craft and the general population on whom you wish to bring those skills to bear. They are also experienced in representing the qualitative research industry ethically and responsibly to the wider world.
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How long will pink eye last?????
i have pink eye, i think. it is pink in the corner and ozzing stuff that kind of looks like boogers. haha. but it started getting pink today around 1:00. then it started oozing around 2:00. and now it's starting to hurt and it's 5:00. also it's itching a little and it is starting to get heavy. but anyway.....!doctype>2012年1月30日月曜日
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Mark Richt can't visit with top recruit, sends UGA assistants
UGA coach Mark Richt couldn't make the in-home visit with one of his top remaining targets and sent two Bulldogs assistants in his place on Saturday night.
Josh Dawson, a 6-foot-5, 225-pound defensive end from Tucker High School, is committed to Vanderbilt but considering switching to UGA. He got a call from Richt on Saturday afternoon that he couldn't make the 7 p.m. meeting with Dawson and his family.
"Coach Richt said he couldn't make it because he had a family emergency," Dawson told the AJC. "I know family comes first, so I wasn't disappointed about it. We understood. It was OK."
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I'm A Celiac: Sausage Breakfast Skillet
If you are looking for a filling and hardy breakfast this is it! This is my version of the store bought frozen skillet meals. You know the $6 frozen bag that you add eggs to and heat up.I wanted to create a fresh and healthier version so here you go!
What You Need:
4 cubed potatoes
2 tbps butter/ oil
1/2 green pepper chopped
1 lb GF sausage - I used Jimmy Dean
1/4 cup milk
7 eggs
Season salt
the yvonne theater
Ignomenious End To Yvonne Arnaud Performance « St. Catherine's Village
by Martin Giles

The stage crew at the Yvonne Arnaud will be making sure the technical hitch at Monday's performance will be fixed for the rest of the run of the play Neighbourhood Watch.
The plot of the play running at Guildford's Yvonne Arnaud Theatre this week is based on the everyday story of the setting up of a Neighbourhood Watch team.
Events get a little out of hand, resulting in the fatal shooting of the main character, a gnome lover, by the police who had mistaken the statue of Jesus he was carrying for a weapon.
I've meant for some time to develop a good reason for having a personal letterhead.